The darkness has been overcome

Jesus had an interesting relationship with the devil. Satan was in his presence often, yet it is interesting how Jesus responded to him. Jesus always held the place of authority and never feared him. Jesus cast him out of the demon-possessed, put him in his place by saying “get behind me Satan” and never succumbed to his temptations. Jesus knew he had dominion over him and never saw him as a threat. Most importantly, Jesus never gave His power away to Satan. How Jesus dealt with Satan should serve as a role model and guide to all believers.

However, so many have a devil consciousness and are quick to give their power away to the devil and make him an authority. When someone falls ill, gets a divorce, loses a job, has financial problems it is often said: “they are under attack”. After a bad choice, many suggest “the devil’s temptation was too great”. I am not suggesting that there are not forces of evil but I am reminding you that the forces of evil have already been defeated by the shed blood of the lamb. Just like Jesus, we should have an attitude of power and dominion over Satan. When temptation or hardship pokes at us, we should say “get behind me Satan in Jesus name!” When we forget God’s promise of protection, we open our lives to Satan through fear just as Job did.

We have the armor of God to withstand any attack yet we don’t assume the personal responsibility to keep Satan out of our lives. We must put on the full armor, cast him out, put him in his place, and have faith over fear. We all have free will choice of who we give our power to.  Most often, there is worry about the devil outside and the evil that surrounds us. However, the darkness within is our worst enemy. Just as God’s light is within you, so is Satan’s darkness. Are you giving your power away to the darkness through the perpetual sin of fearful thoughts, non-empowering words, sinful choices of worry, double-mindedness, selfishness, worldly idols, judgment, unbelief, or being unforgiving? We also give our power away to the devil when we do not take responsibility for uncovering and acknowledging the darkness within and going to Jesus for the healing of it.

The next time you are feeling challenged in any area of your life ask yourself.. Am I doing anything that is out of God’s will? Something that is not of love? If so, repent, forgive yourself. Raise your consciousness up to where God is. Give your power only to God and let His light shine in you to overtake and heal the dark shadow within. He has you covered. The forces of darkness have no control or authority over your life. Claim it, believe it, and boldly live it!

Team Spirit

Team Spirit is made of all our contributors who's focus is consistent with Spiritual Springboard's mission. We are all on our own spiritual journey, still seeking and learning. We are excited to guide, teach, encourage, support, love and offer services to others who have committed to seeking spiritual awareness.

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