The Best You

God wired each of us with the need to be in relationships with others. He recognized that relationship with others was an important part of our spiritual development. We all are a part of many kinds of relationships, but the one most desired is the romantic relationship. We all have a vision of what the perfect romantic partner should look and act like in our minds. Many are still holding out and looking for that perfect partner, while others find themselves dissatisfied with their current romantic partnerships. Romantic relationships are a gift from God to bring intimate companionship to our lives. How can a loving gift from God bring so much frustration and disappointment?  The answer lies in the following question. Are you being the best you?

It is human nature to look to find fault, harshly judge, and critique others’ shortcomings. Doing so allows us to blame others for the problems in our relationships easily. In reality, it is up to each individual to look inward to see where they are falling short of being the best of themselves. Until you become the best you, God cannot bring the best partner or heal your current relationship. Are your thoughts of your partner mostly loving and caring or resentful and hateful? What words and tone of voice are you using when speaking to them? What kind of actions and responsibilities are you carrying out in your relationship? When you begin to answer these questions honestly, you will find that your partner is not the only one to blame in your relationship. You need to change so that God can begin to bring about change in your partner.

Making these changes is quite challenging, especially when there are past hurts and resentment. It would be best if you began by putting the past behind you. What you have been doing in the past has gotten you to the place you are today in your relationship. Start fresh with a new attitude of faith, knowing God will work everything out for your highest good if you do your part by becoming the best of you and holding the space for your partner to grow into. When you hold them in low regard, energetically, they will match the space you are holding for them. When you choose loving thoughts, words, and actions even during challenging times, you raise the consciousness in the relationship on an energetic level. God’s natural law of energy is like energies attract like energies, and opposite energies repel against each other. As you raise the energy, your partner will either rise up to match it by making positive changes, or they will have to move away. If they are God’s will for your life, they will transform before your very eyes.  If they are not, He will move them out of your space so He can bring a better partner into your life. God wants us to have a loving, supportive, fun, respectful, and romantic relationship with our partner. It all begins with you. Be the change you wish to see!

Team Spirit

Team Spirit is made of all our contributors who's focus is consistent with Spiritual Springboard's mission. We are all on our own spiritual journey, still seeking and learning. We are excited to guide, teach, encourage, support, love and offer services to others who have committed to seeking spiritual awareness.

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