Author: Team Spirit

Power Up Ladies!

Confession, not long ago, I was a person who gave my power away daily. It wasn’t intentional, or because I wasn’t confident, or thought that I didn’t deserve to be powerful or because I believed men...

Love Always Wins!

In the aftermath of the horrific Las Vegas shootings, one thing is clear. Love always wins! Though we may lose all hope for humanity because of the media sensationalism of hatred and violence, most people are...

A Pet’s Purpose

Our pets are so much more than just a pet. They are sent on Divine missions as delegates to serve, teach, and help us remember who we really are. God looked at His domestic animal kingdom...


I am pretty certain no one enters into a marriage thinking that they will one day cheat on their spouse. We marry for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and health, vowing to uphold...

Faith Development=Peace

Faith is one of those things that seems to be elusive to most people. Even the most devoted Christian’s faith wavers at times, especially during the challenging times of life. Remember Peter; he was walking on...