Power Up Ladies!
Now that I am on the other side, I observe many women doing the same subtle devaluing habits that I once did. Today, I would like to be that friend who speaks up for you, so that you can stop letting your power slowly leak away. Take a moment to consider each behavior. You may not do all of them or you may not even be aware right now that you are doing any of them. However, over the course of this week, make a conscious effort to observe yourself. Change can only occur through awareness.
The 3 Habits That Steal Your Power
Stop saying “I’m sorry”! By and large, I hear women overuse the word sorry. Webster’s defines sorry as: “feeling sorrow, regret or penitence, mournful, sad, inspiring sorrow, pity, scorn or ridicule.” Now if you are using the word sorry as per the definition, it is perfectly acceptable and there is no loss of power. However, as women, we use the word sorry unknowingly as a statement of unworthiness and as an apology for ourselves. Someone doesn’t agree with us, so we are sorry. We are sorry when we are maneuvering through a crowded store. Sorry dinner isn’t ready; sorry the kids are misbehaving; sorry I am upset; sorry I have a headache; sorry I am crying; sorry I can’t volunteer at the school; sorry I can’t be everything to everybody! It is a little word but oh how it devalues when used out of context.