The Resurrection Power Within You

My eyes are filled with tears and my heart is full of compassion for the inhabitants of the earth. Though it seems like nothing is in order, everything is playing out according to God’s plan. The suffering of mankind that is playing out in the world and your lives is merely the resistance of one’s true nature. The old must die off to make way for the new to arise. The turmoil is the catalyst for the resurrection of the new man. Do not fear or resist resurrection. You have seen the glory and power of it in others, yet you still do not believe the resurrection power is for everyone!  It is for you! It is your destiny! It is the journey and the calling!

Do not deny the Christ that is within you. You have been made in his image and likeness. Yet, you do not believe so you do not receive all the glorious gifts and treasures that are available to you. Instead, you curse your brother, sister, friend, and foe, creating separation, condemnation, conflict, suffering, and sorrow. Awake, awake oh sleeper I say! Take your seat at the table of your destiny. For you are a child of the Most High with royal blood running through your veins. You are the manifestation of Christ on the earth. Let the resurrection power arise within you. Then you will remember and then you will know. Be still

Team Spirit

Team Spirit is made of all our contributors who's focus is consistent with Spiritual Springboard's mission. We are all on our own spiritual journey, still seeking and learning. We are excited to guide, teach, encourage, support, love and offer services to others who have committed to seeking spiritual awareness.

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