Revive Your Inner Child

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” Matt 19:14
Revive your inner child and reclaim your life. Remember how you came into this world! When a child is born, they enter as pure love and with complete surrender. Through their eyes, they only see others with total acceptance and non-judgment. Even though they are totally dependent on one another for their survival, they have unwavering faith and trust that they will be provided for. As they adjust to the earthly plane, it is soon realized that they have complete self-expression. When they are upset or hurt, they cry. When happy, they laugh and dance. When they are angry, they let everyone know it. They are naturally true to their spirit. Little children are always present in what they are doing. They are not thinking about tomorrow or regretting yesterday. They are at the moment. Their minds are open to all possibilities, eager to learn new things joyfully. A child allows their imagination to run wild without limitations. They play every day, sleep when sleepy, and eat when they are hungry. You and I used to be that child.

What has happened to us? We have allowed the world’s ways to infiltrate our spirit and move it away from its natural tendencies. When we chose fear and judgment, love, and acceptance eludes us. When we are too concerned with outward appearances to make it seem like we have it all together, it makes us controlling. Thus comes the by-product of anxiety and worry. When we buy into society’s mentality of lack, distrust, and doubt, we forget to be hopeful and faithful. Society teaches us that our emotions’ full expression is unacceptable, so we become too concerned with what others think of us. When we seek success and strength, we can not see the value in failure and vulnerability. The world insists we place ourselves on a treadmill of multi-tasking, disengagement, and technology overload. Resulting in never being fully present, thus creating a spiritual void, a life of hardship and suffering. Allowing our minds to stagnate from taking on others’ teachings and agendas and accepting them unquestionably as our truths do not allow for self-discovery and spiritual development. Conforming to the world’s ways represses our child within, the one who is refreshed and renewed through open-mindedness, creativity, and play. Where has the fun of life gone?

It has left us because we have forgotten our natural, childlike inclination. “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus reminds us in Matthew 18:3 about the importance and urgency as to why we should all reclaim the child within. Will you begin today to recapture and remember the spirit you were born with? When you choose to permit the child within to resurface, you align yourself with the flow of spirit, allowing you to experience heaven on earth. The choice is yours; reclaim your life!

Team Spirit

Team Spirit is made of all our contributors who's focus is consistent with Spiritual Springboard's mission. We are all on our own spiritual journey, still seeking and learning. We are excited to guide, teach, encourage, support, love and offer services to others who have committed to seeking spiritual awareness.

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